Im Museum fuer Bildende Kunst Leipzig, Februar 2019:
[...] Aber wer GLAUBT denn an diese Art der "Kreativitätsförderung" wie im Museum in Leipzig? Das merkwürdige ist doch, dass vermutlich NIEMAND daran glaubt. Weder die Besucher, noch der Direktor des Museums selbst. Dessen Glaube, Hingabe, professioneller Ehrgeiz und Aufmerksamkeit sind einzig den Besucherzahlen gewidmet, wie man wie in obigen Interviews öffentlich nachlesen kann. Herr Alfred Weidinger verspricht mehr Ausstellungen, für mehr Besucher und will mehr lokale Künstler und mehr Frauen zeigen etc..
Die (Pseudo)-Demokratisierung steht hinter allen Ausreden dafür, dass man den Museumsraum und die Aufmerksamkeit der Besucher mit Nullinhalten einer 'Kunst' füllt, die, da sie ALLE ansprechen soll, nichts mehr zu sagen hat.
Wo ist die Instanz , die den Museumsdirektor intellektuell zur Rechenschaft zieht ?
Es gibt keine. Denn die Besucherzahlen und Ausstellungszahlen sind die Legitimation des Direktors; sie haben jegliche kunstprofessionellen und intellektuellen Argumente und Ansprüche ersetzt. Ausstellungen wie die von E. Neto sind reine Platzhalter, Hülsen, Hüllen für "Kunst', leere Versprechen - eingeklammert zwischen den Starnamen Caspar David Friedrich, und Yoko Ono. Etage 1 und 2 im Leipziger MfbK bürgen für die Dummheit und Leere auf Etage 3. (Wie viele Jahrhunderte kann das noch so weiter gehen? Irgendwann muss sich doch auch DAS erschöpfen?) Da für konstante Ausstellungen mit Superstars das Budget nicht reicht, muss man daher Nichts zu Stars erklären, indem man den Text neben dem wirklich schlichtweg jämmerlichen Haufen Stofflappen auf dem Museumsboden mit bereits legitimierten / abgesegneten Vokabeln bespikt: Neto ist "einer der wichtigsten Künstler der Gegenwart", die Stofflappen sind "monumental" etc.
Obiges als "Kreativitätsförderung" der Museen zu bezeichnen wäre eine gefährliche Verharmlosung der Lage (es sei denn man betont, dass der Anschein von Kreativitätsförderung hergestellt werden soll). Und dies ist ja kein Einzelbeispiel. Es ist ein Symptom das für die Erkrankung des Ganzen steht - des Systems und der Glaubensbegriffe 'Kunst' und 'Kultur' global.
Wo soll man sich auch beschweren? Wie kann man sich wehren?
Es dies ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen.
'Demokratisierung' ist das Zauberwort, dessen Definition sich heute einzig und allein in 'hohe Besucherzahlen' erschöpft. Es legitimiert das endlose Recyceln, Ausmelken und Degradieren von intellektuellem Kulturgut - der 'Alten Meister' oder aller anderen früheren Kunst- und erlaubt es den 'Kultur'machern, den totalen, offensiven, unversteckten Sinn-, Inhalts-, Intellekt-, Diskurs- und Sauerstoffentzug an sich global als (Schein-)Wert zu verkaufen, und damit -vor allem anderen- totale Immunität gegen Kritik zu garantieren.
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The evil spells of the Culture Industry have lulled artist and art into a deep sleep.
Image: Sleeping Beauty, by Henry Meynell Rheam, 1899
Ironically, whilst art, artists and the sphere of culture, on the whole, have become highly standardised and homogenised, and true artistic freedom, creativity, critical thinking, autonomy and Muendigkeit and with it autonomous art in 2020 are on the brink of extinction , a reverse trend is emerging in world of business and economics.
As we are witnessing the unfolding of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the scale, speed and complexity of which has no historical precedent, rapidly developing information technologies -artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, autonomous transport, machine learning, advanced materials, biotechnology, genomics and so on- are fundamentally reshaping the way we live and work.
Digitalisation is leading to a rapid increase in automation: professions that are based on routine and pure knowledge processing have become obsolete at one stroke and will inexorably be replaced by technology. "Everything that can be digitalised/automated will be digitalised/automated."(1)
However, it is exactly the fact that machines now outperform humans in knowledge-based and routine tasks, that brings into sharp focus the requirement for exactly those skills that are uniquely human, which cannot -as yet- be performed by computers. which become the key competencies that are most sought after in the world of work today.
The World Economic Forum annually published document the future of work lists 'Creativity, Critical Thinking and ... as
It is a sad irony that in 2020 it is business leaders - not artists and intellectuals- who are calling for a total overhaul of education with a top focus on creativity and critical thinking - whilst the global art world is in a state of hypnosis, numbed and dumbed down to the most infantile level.
by a handful of readymade strategies that are mindlessly repeated over and over again and a deafening critical silence.
industry leaders are awakening to the fact that a mind and skills set is required which is not taught in traditional education based on 19th and 20th-century mindset and industries.The fourth industrial revolution demands a skills revolution.
The 20th-century practice of firms being passive consumers of ready-made human capital but need to invest in people, create work environments that foster life-long learning, promote and ... critical thinking
Widespread agreement in ... that
The Agile Business Consortium is calling for the inclusion of agility and agile skills in the education of everyone from primary school children, to working professionals. Current education curricula are not equipping the workers of today or tomorrow to be flexible and adaptable, so businesses will not have access to the employees they need to compete and thrive. It is our collective duty to bring about Generation Agile.
We cannot fail to notice the irony that today it is INDUSTRY leaders who are calling for a fundamental rethink of education systems and demand a focus on excaty thos eskills that were once the domina of artists and art: creativity, critical thinking, which echo artistunderground's call for : "existing education systems at all levels provide highly siloed training and continue a number of 20th-century practices that are hindering progress[...]"
The 20th-century practice of Firms can being passive consumers of ready-made human capital ...
Whereas businesses see the urgent need for reskilling their workforce and to embrace life-long learning, artists and art have turned their backs on the revolutionary developments and sharp increase in complexity and accessibility to knowledge and dumbed down to the most infantile level appear or is at best is today Sleeping Beauty immobilised by the Culture Industry's evil spells.
Im Zuge der 4. Industriellen Revolution und den sich rasant entwickelnden Informationstechnologien, laufen gerade alle jene Berufe, die auf Routine und reiner Wissensbearbeitung beruhen, Gefahr, unaufhaltsam 'weg'-digitalisiert bzw. automatisiert. Sicher ist, dass wir mit rasantem Tempo auf eine Zukunft zu in der "alles was digitalisert/automatisert werden kann, auch digitalisiert/automatisiert werden [wird]." Reine Wissensverwaltung, und Routinetätigkeiten durch Menschen sind mit einem Schlag obsolet.
Die vom World Economic Forum jaehrlich veroeffentlichte Liste der 10 wichtigsten Schlüsselfähigkeiten, die Menschen in heutigen Welt verfugen sollten
65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. In such a rapidly evolving employment landscape, the ability to anticipate and prepare for future skills requirements, job content and the aggregate effect on employment is increasingly critical for businesses, governments and individuals in order to fully seize the opportunities presented by these trends—and to mitigate undesirable outcomes.
In many industries and countries, the most in-demand occupations or specialties did not exist 10 or even five years ago, and the pace of change is set to accelerate.
On average, by 2020, more than a third of the desired core skill sets of most occupations will be comprised of skills that are not yet considered crucial to the job today, according to our respondents. Overall, social skills— such as persuasion, emotional intelligence and teaching others—will be in higher demand across industries than narrow technical skills, such as programming or equipment operation and control. In essence, technical skills will need to be supplemented with strong social and collaboration skills.
Not anticipating and addressing such issues in a timely manner over the coming years may come at an enormous economic and social cost for businesses, individuals and economies and societies as a whole. The Report finds that business leaders are aware of these looming challenges but have been slow to act decisively. Just over two thirds of our respondents believe that future workforce planning and change management features as a reasonably high or very high priority on the agenda of their company’s or organization’s senior leadership.
During previous industrial revolutions, it often took decades to build the training systems and labour market institutions needed to develop major new skill sets on a large scale. Given the upcoming pace and scale of disruption brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, however, this is simply not be an option.
Without targeted action today to manage the near-term transition and build a workforce with futureproof skills, governments will have
Businesses will need to put talent development and future workforce strategy front and centre to their growth. Firms can no longer be passive consumers of ready-made human capital. They require a new mindset to meet their talent needs and to optimize social outcomes. Governments will need to re-consider fundamentally the education models of today. As the issue becomes more urgent, governments will need to show bolder leadership in putting through the curricula and labour market regulation changes that are already decades overdue in some economies.
Longer Term Focus • Rethinking education systems: Most existing education systems at all levels provide highly siloed training and continue a number of 20th-century practices that are hindering progress on today’s talent and labour market issues. Two such legacy issues burdening formal education systems worldwide are the dichotomy between Humanities and Sciences and applied and pure training, on the one hand, and the prestige premium attached to tertiary-certified forms of education—rather than the actual content of learning— on the other hand. Businesses should work closely with governments, education providers and others to imagine what a true 21st century curriculum might look like. • Incentivizing lifelong learning: The dwindling future population share of today’s youth cohort in many ageing economies implies that simply reforming current education systems to better equip today’s students to meet future skills requirements—as worthwhile and daunting as that task is—is not going to be enough to remain competitive. Ageing countries won’t just need lifelong learning—they will need wholesale reskilling of existing workforces throughout their lifecycle. Governments and businesses have many opportunities to collaborate more to ensure that individuals have the time, motivation and means to seek retraining opportunities.
Complex problem solving.
Critical thinking.
We are today at the beginning of a Fourth Industrial Revolution. Developments in previously disjointed fields such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing and genetics and biotechnology are all building on and amplifying one another. Smart systems—homes, factories, farms, grids or entire cities—will help tackle problems ranging from supply chain management to climate change
» Advanced robotics and autonomous transport » Artificial intelligence and machine learning » Advanced materials, biotechnology and genomics
10. Cognitive flexibility
This involves creativity, logical reasoning, and problem sensitivity. It also means being able to adapt how you communicate based on who you're talking to. Employers want to know you don't just say the same thing to everyone -- that you think critically about who you're talking to, deeply listen, and tailor communication to that person.
9. Negotiation skills
This will be in especially high demand in computer and math jobs, such as data analysis and software development. It will also be critical in the arts and design (including commercial and industrial designers).
8. Service orientation
This was defined as actively seeking ways to help others. How much do you assist those on your team, your superiors, and people across your industry? How much are you known for that?
7. Judgment and decision-making
As organizations collect more and more data, there will be an even greater need for workers who can analyze it and use it to make intelligent decisions. Good judgment also involves knowing how to get buy-in from a colleague, or making a strong suggestion to a manager (even if it might not make you popular).
6. Emotional intelligence
Robots can do a lot, but they still can't read people the way other humans can (at least not yet). Employers will place a strong emphasis on hiring those who are aware of others' reactions, as well as their own impact on others.
5. Coordinating with others
Again, this falls under the social skills umbrella (sensing a trend?). It involves being able to collaborate, adjust in relation to others, and be sensitive to the needs of others.
4. People management
In the report, this included being able to motivate people, develop the talents and skills of employees, and pick the best people for a job. This will be especially in demand for managers in the media and energy industries.
3. Creativity
In 2015, creativity ranked 10th on the list. It's now one of the top three skills employers will seek. Why? Because as we're bombarded by new technologies, employers want creative people who can apply that tech to new products and services.
2. Critical thinking
As automation increases, the need for humans who can employ logic and reasoning increases. This is, in part, because machines must be directed ethically and optimally. Employers want people with critical minds who can evaluate the uses or abuses of the power of technology, and use them to benefit the company, the people in it, and the future.
1. Complex problem-solving
Technology can make life easier, but it can also make things more complicated. For example, you could use wearables to help map the walking patterns of nurses and doctors in a hospital to see how to make things more efficient. But without a human being analyzing those results while also having intelligent conversations with nurses, doctors, and patients, you will likely end up with a wrong or even dangerous result.
The report shows that 36% of all jobs across all industries will require complex problem-solving abilities as a core skill by 2020.
Take a look at this list in aggregate, and it's clear that if you want to prepare for 2020 and beyond, you should develop your social skills. Substantially.
This is backed up by David J. Deming, research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. The title of his paper isn't even subtle: The Growing Importance of Social Skills in the Labor Market. He argues that strong social skills will only increase in importance as robots and automation take more jobs.
So if you're wondering about what to focus on when it comes to professional development in 2018 and beyond, consider things like:
Heidegger hätte heute keine Chance mehr auf eine Universitätskarriere – über die Fabrikation des Geistes in den Geisteswissenschaften
"[...] muss festgehalten werden, dass, trotz der zeitgenössischen Vielfalt an geisteswissenschaftlichen «Paradigmen», heute eine kaum wünschbare Nivellierung des Denkens und Redens im höchsten Bildungssektor stattfindet.